Discover why so many travelers see Iberostar Dominicana as the ideal all-inclusive resort when visiting Bávaro. In addition to offering the perfect combination of quality, comfort, and location, it provides a family-friendly environment with a wide variety of services designed for travelers like you. Children will enjoy unique activities at our Star Camp, while adults relax at our luxury spa or in our spectacular pool. Don't leave without visiting our Coral Lab, where we collect different coral species for study and protection of these ecosystems. Join our Wave of Change initiative, based on three pillars: eliminating single-use plastics from rooms, responsible consumption of fish and seafood, and improving coastal health. It's a commitment from Iberostar that we're sure will captivate you, just like our facilities surrounded by lush gardens. Our gastronomy offers 6 restaurants with exclusive specialties, such as our Oriental La Pagoda and American Star Rock, as well as 2 buffets with show cooking and late-night snacks. Iberostar Dominicana is undoubtedly the best choice for you and your family to experience a dream vacation